Sunday, December 21, 2014

Existence of man

The spark of destiny exists insides all humans.  It is the remnant spark of the creation from The Big Bang.  Inside that spark lies the power of the infinite.  Human existence and comprehension is confined by our understanding and also our ignorance of the third dimension that we occupy.  In order to believe and imagine greater pathways humans have to turn their thinking inward as well as outward.  Can you imagine turning the corner and being able to slip from one place into another.  Not only the place but also another time.  Imagine what we would be able to accomplish?  Imagine what we could see?  The outer reaches of space and time and through them.  Being able to touch something and someone from across the ages.  

It's said that God created man in his own image.  When Adam ate from the Tree of Forbidden Fruit namely the Fruit or Apple of Knowledge he was endowed with comprehensive knowledge.  He basically became aware of his surroundings.  Not only of awareness but self-aware of his form.  From there mankind supposedly flourished across the world.  Now that we humans can be found in nearly every surface of the planet are we destined to stop evolving and die??  Or is it time for us to reach for the stars and beyond?  Can we spread out beyond this globe before we are forced to give into our baser instincts and destroy ourselves fighting over the dirt beneath our feet?  

What does the new world hold for us?  What hopes, nightmares, and dreams can we forge in the depths of the future?  I for one want something more to my life than always looking forward to sitting on a barstool every Sunday watching football.  I want to exist in all dimensions.  I want my vivid dreams to come to life.  I want to see beyond the veil and travel through the walls at the edge of forever.  


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