Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Deconstruction of Originality! Iceman from our childhood is officially no more!

Thank you Brian Michael Bendis for ruining my childhood!  A few hours ago Brian Michael Bendis gave an interview to Good Morning America and basically dashed any hopes of me picking up another Marvel X-Men comic book ever again.  He is the writer on the current “All-New X-Men” and has a few years ago he shook up the mutant world and its fans by having the original five students, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Angel, Beast, & Iceman time-jump from their past as teenagers to the current time where they are adults.  Following conflicting truths and battles in which they find out that none of them with the exception of Iceman are the same person in the future.  Cyclops has tried to take over the world and declared war against the humans.  Jean Grey is dead.  Angel is now the Archangel.  Beast is covered in blue fur and of all things looks like a cat???  Anyways in an attempt to try to change things the young X-Men decided to stay in our time. 

Well, today Brian Michael Bendis dropped a bomb on us by outing young Bobby Drake aka Iceman and says that he is gay.  I’m sorry I just don’t buy that.  Is this just an attempt to draw in some homosexual fans to the X-Men?  If so you already have Northstar a mutant from the team of Alpha Force.  It’s long been known that he was gay and that he was not ashamed about it.  No one made a big deal about it then and many of the X-Men fans accepted him for who he is.  So, why try to re-write history of a fan favorite character who is already established with a rich history?  Oh because you brought them from the past into the future and now you think you can write whatever you want?  I’m sorry, if you wanted to try to bring more gay fans to the X-Men why not create a new X-Man who pushes the boundaries?  Oh they already did that with Wolverine’s wayward son who is apparently bi-sexual.  So why ruin everyone’s favorite ice-wielding mutant?  Oh because he’s time-displaced you can do whatever you want?  Thank you Marvel for proving that you have officially run out of original ideas.  

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