Thursday, May 28, 2015

Major Fan Favorite Universes will be Reset this Summer

Creativity.  It’s always shifting and constantly changing and if you’re person with a good imagination you should easily be able to adjust to new stories being told.  Now easily adjusting and liking are two completely different things when we’re talking about stories that make sense or stories that are good.  Being creative means that you’re capable of imagining a great deal but only you will know if you are able to accept what has been created.  Sometimes we are given great ideas that make us believe in the impossible. And sometimes we are given ideas that don’t inspire us and oftentimes the consequences to those uninspired ideas are re-writes and ret-cons that are force upon us. 
Take for instance DC comics and their “New 52” which they started over 4 years ago.  They were able to revitalize all of their characters by giving them all new origins and it allowed new readers to pick up and fall in love with characters that they never knew existed or could never follow before because their history was too convoluted for them to follow.  We saw a new Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman emerge who had traveled different paths to where they finally joined together as the Justice League.  Somehow the Green Lantern history was merged into the new universe and when sales began to slip DC decided to converge all of their universes causing another reset once again.  This time they are making all of their past restarts and crises relevant by allowing the convergence to continue. 
Marvel has also decided to reset their own universes by having all of them die so that something new can be born.  The launch of the Ultimates line boosted sales for Marvel which helped propel the company out of bankruptcy.  The Ultimates also helped influence their successful movie franchise.  The Ultimates line saw a more realistic modern storytelling for comics and also saw a fresh new look for the characters.  This helped Marvel turn things around in their main comics’ branch making the stories more modern and streamlined.  Now the alternate universes that exist are being destroyed and a free-for-all has taken place which will see a new Marvel universe emerge when the dust finally settles.
Even the Star Wars universe has recently been reset to only include the movies and the Clone Wars and Rebellion television series.  Once George Lucas sold his property to Disney they found that they had twenty years of history and back story from the “Expanded Universe” that the fans knew and loved.  With their determination to make more movies Disney felt that the only way that they could do this was to practically make all of that history disappear and start fresh.  This move of course angered many fans such as myself at first as I had fallen in love with the Expanded Universe and it was there for me when I was going to through a tough time in my life.  To hear that they were now saying that it was non-canonical was shocking but afterwards I realized that this was the only way they could make the new movie freely without tripping over everything else that had been written before it. 

So what do you do?  You accept that you aren’t going to be able to change the minds of a multi-billion dollar company when they already have a plan set in motion.  Or you can go back and enjoy all of the things that you made you love the comic books and Star Wars so much and read them over again.  Either way no matter what happens you have to realize that unless you become a writer or artist who will one day effect the creative processes for these enterprises you have no say in what’s going to happen so you might as well enjoy the ride.  Whatever you do don’t give up on what you love.  You may not like the fact that your favorite mutant is now gay or your favorite lantern has been killed.  This is the world of fantasy fiction.  Enjoy it while you can.  

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