Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Flash Season Review

The first season for CW’s The Flash has come to an end and the question now is did the show live up to its expectations?  I have to say honestly as a fan of the Flash the show did not disappoint.  Of course it had its campy moments and bad acting where you’re looking at Detective Joe West (Jesse L. Martin) and asking why is he here but other than that the season was phenomenal.  From the very first episode to the last one the season has shown the progression of Barry as a forensic scientist trying to solve his mother’s murder to when he becomes the Flash.  After that the brakes were kicked off the ride and let go.
From the special effects to the rogues who emerged to take center point as villains this season I was hanging onto the edge of my seat.  Now anyone can talk about how great the action and the special effects were but let’s discuss the drama of this show that’s based off a comic book.  The best drama of this show was between Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) & his father Henry Allen (John Wesley Shipp).  The chemistry they produced as a son trying to redeem his father and a man who has never raised his son but is proud of the man he’s become is an essential part of the plot to the story driving the Barry’s need to solve his mother’s murder and find the Man in Yellow or the Reverse Flash.  Even the fatherly way Professor Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanaugh) acted when he interacted with Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) & Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker).  When the realization that Professor Wells was the Reverse Flash came to be each of them had a hard blow to deal with knowing that the man who was responsible for shaping them into the scientists that they were was a murderer did not sit well.  It tugged on the ol’ heartstrings to watch Professor Wells play everyone like a fiddle yet you had to like the guy as he encouraged Barry to push himself beyond his limits. 

So what else made this show great was the amount of characters that was introduced throughout the season.  Old fans were mesmerized to see Gorilla Grod that the screen and new ones were blown away as the Firestorm was revealed to be Caitlin’s fiancé who was presumed dead.  I geeked out with Professor Wells used his Flash Ring to put on his Reverse Flash uniform and run into battle against the Flash, the Arrow, and Firestorm.  Oh, and to find out that Cisco himself did not escape the particle accelerator explosion unphased was a last minute bonus.

However, to top it all off when the helmet of the Golden-Age Flash Jay Garrick emerged from the wormhole at the end of the show I was practically jumping up and down.  By creating the wormholes Barry has opened the doorway to the multiverses which will probably see Jay Garrick come running through some time.  Earlier this season when the writers were talking about a second speedster for the 2nd season most people thought it would be either Bart Allen or Wally West.  I know have my suspicions confirmed about Jay Garrick.  In the comic universe Barry Allen’s first encounter with another speedster was with the Golden-Age Flash Jay Garrick when he crossed the dimensional rift and found Keystone City.  So what’s in store what next season.  Rumors are they will explore the multiverse and with the DC’s Legends of Tomorrow jumping off next January there’s no telling where The Flash will go next.  

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