Thursday, December 18, 2014

American the Bold has Fallen

Can nobody take a joke these days?  I mean this whole new generation is so damn weak and overly sensitive that you can't crack a simple joke at anyone these days.  Case in point:  North Korea.  Seth Rogen and James Franco are the stars in Sony Pictures new movie titled The Interview.  Its about the a news reporter and his producer who have gotten the chance to interview North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un.  The CIA finds out and asks them to assassinate the figurehead of the communist nation.  If you've seen the trailers then you like me were not that impressed with what you saw.  It's another film by the funny-less Seth Rogen and the uber-cool James Franco that tries to be funny but unless you're stoned or high it falls seriously short.  Now I'm never looking for a grandiose movie from either one of them but I want something that is enjoyable.  Now I was never intending on seeing The Interview but because North Korea got wind of the movie and decided to elicit terrorist threats against viewings of the movie Hollywood film executives have decided to err on the side of caution and not show the movie on Christmas its original release date.  Does that mean they'll ever release the film for viewing?  Probably straight to DVD.

Beside the point I thought we were fucking AMERICA!!  We're not supposed to terrorists and their demands!  We're supposed to spit in their eye tell them to bring it!!  This is America where we have the freedom of speech and creativity.  I may not have watched the movie but I can tell you right now I consider it my American duty to go find a copy of The Interview and watch it.  Storm the theatres and demand that they show it.  If we start bowing to terrorists now we'll keep bowing to every demand they make.  SO what if they hacked a few emails and released a lot of "secret movie details" that Sony was keeping under wraps.  Hey, Kim Jock Strap!!  Remember a movie called Team America:  World Police Force!?  Greatest puppet movie ever made that included yo daddy Kim Jong Il singing "Im so Lonely!"  It was classic and so damn funny sung in the stereotypical Asian voice.  Did your father watch the movie? Did he ever find out that he was made into a puppet??  I can tell you right now I betcha he laughed his ass off if he did.  And if he didn't he said Fuck It.  "I'm Kim Jong Il and I've got other things to worry about like running my country."  So, Jock Strap, buddy.  Why don't you grow a fucking pair and man the hell up and run your country.  Stop worrying about what everyone else thinks about you or how you're protrayed in a movie.  No one was going to see this movie until you starting bitchin'!!  Now  all of America is going to watch this movie.  And if the American military force ever swings across the 38th parallel you can bet that EVERY American soldier will have a copy of that movie on hand just to ensure you have a good viewing party before we place two shots into the back of your dome!  So America we also need to Nut Up!  If a terrorist makes demands of us we reach down grab our nuts and give them the bird!  That's who we are!  That's who we've always been!  So let me go out with a quote from Samuel Jackson, "God Bless us because we're Mother Fuckin' America!" 

Ok so that's not a quote from the great Sam Jackson but that's something he would totally say if he were reading my blog.

Be sure to catch me and the rest of The Direct Edition on the every Friday from 6pm-8pm.

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