Friday, December 12, 2014

The Flash/Arrow Crossover: The Comic Take-over Has Begun

So I'm like a week late watching both episodes to the CW's Flash/Arrow crossover two-night event and I just want to say to the fans of comics, cartoons, movies, and all other things in this genre...I geeked out completely.  Thanks to hollywood writers/studios coming up with nothing original to watch anymore they've all decided to remake old movies we've already watched and enjoyed.  That's why the new trend of comic movies is starting to build.  Marvel Studios has done A-MAZING things with The Avengers, Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, & Guardians of the Galaxy.  They've shown hollywood that there is revenue in movies centered around comic book characters.  If done right you have a blockbuster that everyone will love even people who aren't familiar with the characters.  If done poorly you end up with Daredevil & Electra....shudder.  So now that Marvel is doing the big screens big DC will continue to try and dominate the small screen as they have Constantine, Gotham, Flash, & Arrow on a roll.

So with 3 out of the 4 aforementioned shows approved for full 22 episode seasons DC should continue to look into crossing over its heroes as much as possible where possible.  Why?  Well because of the villains.  You have a fan base that is continuing to grow and not everyone is familiar with the Flash's Rogues Gallery of villains or Green Arrow's deadly menagerie of foes who want to stick him with pointy things.  This season of Arrow has brought one of Batman's arch-nemesis to the foreground to give Ollie a crack at him.  Ra's Al-ghul and the League of Assassins.  With Ra's and his league you have to bring the Lazarus pit into one of the stories because what's a Ra's Al-Ghul story without the Demon emerging from the pit at the end?  As for the Flash we just were introduced to Captain Boomerang.  Yeah, I know, for all of you who grew up reading about him he doesn't sound menacing at all but they portrayed him in a cool light that makes you believe that a man who can throw boomerangs can go toe-to-toe with a man who shoots arrows.  This is true but he's a Flash villain so I'm hoping that they kick him into overdrive next time he appears.  I'm still waiting on Captain Cold to return and I want to see Heatwave.  That's a fire and ice killer combo that can push the Flash to the limits on their own but as a team?  That's the markings of a major crossover right there.  Hello!??  DC are you listening?!

A great villain can define a hero and make him an icon that can be worshiped and adored by the fans and the citizens that they protect.  I personally think a hero is only a hero once he is pushed beyond his limits by a worthwhile villain.  The Joker is my personal favorite and that is because he is bat-shit crazy.  I love the way he laughs and finds joy in his machinations to twist and play with Batman.  Have you ever seen a person enjoy their job so much?  I haven't.  I don't like my job enough to laugh like that but if I could torch the warehouse with a couple of people inside that I don't like I could definitely find myself cackling about it like he does.  And with the rise of the Reverse Flash aka Professor Zoom now emerging from the Speed Force ether or from wherever he's been hiding, Barry will now have a challenge on his hands as he must face a foe who is fully versed in the uses of the Speed Force and he is still only a Padawan learner.  Fun times in Central City are ahead.

Another reason why things are looking up for both shows are the potential for heroic allies.  We've seen the emergence of one Black Canary on Arrow and with her death Laurel is training and will become the second.  Ted Grant is training her to become a fighter and we're hoping that he will make an appearance in the future as Wildcat.  Let's not also forget to mention Ray Palmer who is now running Queen Industries.  He is destined to become to the shrinking hero the Atom who is able to shrink down to sub-microscopic sizes.  For the Flash I've peeped a few treats from and there will soon emerge a Ronnie Raymond aka Firestorm.   He's a nuclear powered marvel who practically can do anything he desires if he knows what's he doing.  Barry's friend Cisco Ramon is actually a hero in the comics called Vibe and Caitlin Snow is the heroic version of Killer Frost.  Sounds ominous I know but with this growing cast and characters the sky is literally the limits.  What the CW started with Smallville can now potentially trigger a cascade of hero shows.  TNT has acquired the Teen Titans and will be starting to film very shortly.  So what does this mean for those of us who have read and followed these heroes for years?  It means our quality of television is improving.  Let's face it.  I'll enjoy watching The Teen Titans more than I ever would watching Charm, 300, or The Vampire Diaries..  

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