Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Rush Limbaugh is still alive???

Ok, I’ve kind of quiet for the past week enjoying the holidays with family and…well mostly friends.  Last week Rush Limbaugh ranted about one of my favorite actors Idris Elba being rumored to be considered as the next James Bond.  Now his argument was against him not because he was a horrible actor or that he couldn’t make you believe that he could be James Bond.  No his argument was just that he was black….Ok, last time I checked James Bond was a fictional character.  That means he can be warped and changed to fit the cinematic needs of the studio that owns the rights to make the movies.  Does that mean you can hire Matt Damon to portray Malcolm X?  No it doesn’t because that is completely retarded.  There is a difference in portraying a historical figure due to their circumstances that surround their importance to history.  James Bond is a Scottish Briton secret agent who is a womanizer and fights for Queen and Country.  So…what you’re telling me is that there are no Black Scots?  If this is true then I’ll retract my argument against Idris Elba’s consideration but if there are…and I know that they exist because we are EVERYWHERE then why the hell are we listening to racist comments from a man who stopped making sense back in the 90’s.  Listen Rush…we don’t need narrow-minded individuals like you tearing down good actors when we as a people can make ourselves look horrible on our own.  Every time I look at WorldStarHipHop.com I’m ashamed that I know that website exists.  Shaking my head at the stupidity of idiots who have an audience.  I will say that Idris Elba responded perfectly by tweeting by a funny face and saying, “Thanks for thinking I’m good enough.  But isn’t James Bond attractive?”  That there is what we call class people.  Learn it.  

Friday, December 26, 2014

Deluded Self-Importance of Hackers

Merry Christmas everyone.  I hope all of you enjoyed the time spent with family and friends and all of the gifts that you received this year.  I know I did.  It was great receiving the new Nook Galaxy 4 Tab especially after I lost my Nook HD last week coming home from work.  So its just nice to know that someone likes me.  Now I don't know what you did after opening your gifts but I sat back while dinner was being cooked and decided to go on my Playstation 4 and play Assassin's Creed Unity.  I felt the need to kill a few Templars and maybe do a little co-op action.  Imagine my surprise when I found out that the Playstation Network was down.  I was thinking well Korea must really not have appreciated "The Interview" being released to a limited few theaters.  Lo' and behold some unknown and under appreciated Hacker group calling itself Lizard's tongue...I'm sorry Lizard Squad claimed responsibility for shutting down the Sony and X-Box Networks.  Not only did they gloat about it but they said if enough people tweeted their announcement they would turn the networks back on.  Congratulations.  The only people you managed to annoy were people who just wanted to go online and play video games.

So go ahead and feel proud of yourself.  You have deluded yourself into thinking you've accomplished some great goal in your life.  That's about how I felt when I actually reached 20000 points for my gamer profile for X-Box live.  That of course when I was 26 and didn't know any better.  Can I ask Lizard Squad a question?  What did you do that was so great?  Did you find that some corporation is stealing millions from its employees?  Did you find secrets online for my hover-board that Back to The Future II promised would be here by now?  No, you just merely inconvenienced a few million people.  Nothing spectacular.  You want to do something that people will remember why don't you all line yourselves up in front of a train and play chicken with it and see who dodges first?  That would be a better contribution to society than anything else you could possibly think about.  Why is it that Hackers have no imagination??  They always talk about bringing down the man and yet they do nothing about it.  They are some of the most intelligent individuals yet they are all doing the same thing that everyone online was doing.  They're sitting in their rooms and basements of their parents homes talking to each other in front of their computers and trying to find ways to be Grade A douche-bags who have nothing else in their lives to live for.  And the sad fact is that Sony and X-box and nameless other corporations would pay them top-dollar for their skill in today's world cyber-economics.  They just want to hold onto the titles of being the last true rebels.

Again, congrats Lizard Squad.  Can you hear the applause?  If so I hope you can also hear my mocking tone.  And just so you know, no one likes a self-deluded jackass.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Existence of man

The spark of destiny exists insides all humans.  It is the remnant spark of the creation from The Big Bang.  Inside that spark lies the power of the infinite.  Human existence and comprehension is confined by our understanding and also our ignorance of the third dimension that we occupy.  In order to believe and imagine greater pathways humans have to turn their thinking inward as well as outward.  Can you imagine turning the corner and being able to slip from one place into another.  Not only the place but also another time.  Imagine what we would be able to accomplish?  Imagine what we could see?  The outer reaches of space and time and through them.  Being able to touch something and someone from across the ages.  

It's said that God created man in his own image.  When Adam ate from the Tree of Forbidden Fruit namely the Fruit or Apple of Knowledge he was endowed with comprehensive knowledge.  He basically became aware of his surroundings.  Not only of awareness but self-aware of his form.  From there mankind supposedly flourished across the world.  Now that we humans can be found in nearly every surface of the planet are we destined to stop evolving and die??  Or is it time for us to reach for the stars and beyond?  Can we spread out beyond this globe before we are forced to give into our baser instincts and destroy ourselves fighting over the dirt beneath our feet?  

What does the new world hold for us?  What hopes, nightmares, and dreams can we forge in the depths of the future?  I for one want something more to my life than always looking forward to sitting on a barstool every Sunday watching football.  I want to exist in all dimensions.  I want my vivid dreams to come to life.  I want to see beyond the veil and travel through the walls at the edge of forever.  


Thursday, December 18, 2014

American the Bold has Fallen

Can nobody take a joke these days?  I mean this whole new generation is so damn weak and overly sensitive that you can't crack a simple joke at anyone these days.  Case in point:  North Korea.  Seth Rogen and James Franco are the stars in Sony Pictures new movie titled The Interview.  Its about the a news reporter and his producer who have gotten the chance to interview North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un.  The CIA finds out and asks them to assassinate the figurehead of the communist nation.  If you've seen the trailers then you like me were not that impressed with what you saw.  It's another film by the funny-less Seth Rogen and the uber-cool James Franco that tries to be funny but unless you're stoned or high it falls seriously short.  Now I'm never looking for a grandiose movie from either one of them but I want something that is enjoyable.  Now I was never intending on seeing The Interview but because North Korea got wind of the movie and decided to elicit terrorist threats against viewings of the movie Hollywood film executives have decided to err on the side of caution and not show the movie on Christmas its original release date.  Does that mean they'll ever release the film for viewing?  Probably straight to DVD.

Beside the point I thought we were fucking AMERICA!!  We're not supposed to terrorists and their demands!  We're supposed to spit in their eye tell them to bring it!!  This is America where we have the freedom of speech and creativity.  I may not have watched the movie but I can tell you right now I consider it my American duty to go find a copy of The Interview and watch it.  Storm the theatres and demand that they show it.  If we start bowing to terrorists now we'll keep bowing to every demand they make.  SO what if they hacked a few emails and released a lot of "secret movie details" that Sony was keeping under wraps.  Hey, Kim Jock Strap!!  Remember a movie called Team America:  World Police Force!?  Greatest puppet movie ever made that included yo daddy Kim Jong Il singing "Im so Lonely!"  It was classic and so damn funny sung in the stereotypical Asian voice.  Did your father watch the movie? Did he ever find out that he was made into a puppet??  I can tell you right now I betcha he laughed his ass off if he did.  And if he didn't he said Fuck It.  "I'm Kim Jong Il and I've got other things to worry about like running my country."  So, Jock Strap, buddy.  Why don't you grow a fucking pair and man the hell up and run your country.  Stop worrying about what everyone else thinks about you or how you're protrayed in a movie.  No one was going to see this movie until you starting bitchin'!!  Now  all of America is going to watch this movie.  And if the American military force ever swings across the 38th parallel you can bet that EVERY American soldier will have a copy of that movie on hand just to ensure you have a good viewing party before we place two shots into the back of your dome!  So America we also need to Nut Up!  If a terrorist makes demands of us we reach down grab our nuts and give them the bird!  That's who we are!  That's who we've always been!  So let me go out with a quote from Samuel Jackson, "God Bless us because we're Mother Fuckin' America!" 

Ok so that's not a quote from the great Sam Jackson but that's something he would totally say if he were reading my blog.

Be sure to catch me and the rest of The Direct Edition on the DickNJanenetwork.com every Friday from 6pm-8pm.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Spider-man no more

So the word on the grapevine is that Marvel and Sony are in discussion about returning Spider-man and all character properties to Marvel Studios.  This would mean that the best Spider-Man actor would have to relinqish his reins and the role will be re-cast with someone new.  I personally don't like the fact that they are going to do that but it's the way the ge is played.  George Lucas turned over the Star Wars franchise to Disney and we have lost all of the Expanded Universe stories an books to the dreaded non-canon nebula.  This is where Tobey Macguire's Spider-man an Garfield's Spider-man will go to live on in our memories.  This is going to be hard for me cuz I really enjoy Garfields portrayal of Peter Parker and his alter-ego.  I mean we just saw him lose Geen Stacy and almost walk away from web-swinging can we get a final chapter to close up the story of the best Spider-man to date.

Friday, December 12, 2014

The Flash/Arrow Crossover: The Comic Take-over Has Begun

So I'm like a week late watching both episodes to the CW's Flash/Arrow crossover two-night event and I just want to say to the fans of comics, cartoons, movies, and all other things in this genre...I geeked out completely.  Thanks to hollywood writers/studios coming up with nothing original to watch anymore they've all decided to remake old movies we've already watched and enjoyed.  That's why the new trend of comic movies is starting to build.  Marvel Studios has done A-MAZING things with The Avengers, Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, & Guardians of the Galaxy.  They've shown hollywood that there is revenue in movies centered around comic book characters.  If done right you have a blockbuster that everyone will love even people who aren't familiar with the characters.  If done poorly you end up with Daredevil & Electra....shudder.  So now that Marvel is doing the big screens big DC will continue to try and dominate the small screen as they have Constantine, Gotham, Flash, & Arrow on a roll.

So with 3 out of the 4 aforementioned shows approved for full 22 episode seasons DC should continue to look into crossing over its heroes as much as possible where possible.  Why?  Well because of the villains.  You have a fan base that is continuing to grow and not everyone is familiar with the Flash's Rogues Gallery of villains or Green Arrow's deadly menagerie of foes who want to stick him with pointy things.  This season of Arrow has brought one of Batman's arch-nemesis to the foreground to give Ollie a crack at him.  Ra's Al-ghul and the League of Assassins.  With Ra's and his league you have to bring the Lazarus pit into one of the stories because what's a Ra's Al-Ghul story without the Demon emerging from the pit at the end?  As for the Flash we just were introduced to Captain Boomerang.  Yeah, I know, for all of you who grew up reading about him he doesn't sound menacing at all but they portrayed him in a cool light that makes you believe that a man who can throw boomerangs can go toe-to-toe with a man who shoots arrows.  This is true but he's a Flash villain so I'm hoping that they kick him into overdrive next time he appears.  I'm still waiting on Captain Cold to return and I want to see Heatwave.  That's a fire and ice killer combo that can push the Flash to the limits on their own but as a team?  That's the markings of a major crossover right there.  Hello!??  DC are you listening?!

A great villain can define a hero and make him an icon that can be worshiped and adored by the fans and the citizens that they protect.  I personally think a hero is only a hero once he is pushed beyond his limits by a worthwhile villain.  The Joker is my personal favorite and that is because he is bat-shit crazy.  I love the way he laughs and finds joy in his machinations to twist and play with Batman.  Have you ever seen a person enjoy their job so much?  I haven't.  I don't like my job enough to laugh like that but if I could torch the warehouse with a couple of people inside that I don't like I could definitely find myself cackling about it like he does.  And with the rise of the Reverse Flash aka Professor Zoom now emerging from the Speed Force ether or from wherever he's been hiding, Barry will now have a challenge on his hands as he must face a foe who is fully versed in the uses of the Speed Force and he is still only a Padawan learner.  Fun times in Central City are ahead.

Another reason why things are looking up for both shows are the potential for heroic allies.  We've seen the emergence of one Black Canary on Arrow and with her death Laurel is training and will become the second.  Ted Grant is training her to become a fighter and we're hoping that he will make an appearance in the future as Wildcat.  Let's not also forget to mention Ray Palmer who is now running Queen Industries.  He is destined to become to the shrinking hero the Atom who is able to shrink down to sub-microscopic sizes.  For the Flash I've peeped a few treats from IMDB.com and there will soon emerge a Ronnie Raymond aka Firestorm.   He's a nuclear powered marvel who practically can do anything he desires if he knows what's he doing.  Barry's friend Cisco Ramon is actually a hero in the comics called Vibe and Caitlin Snow is the heroic version of Killer Frost.  Sounds ominous I know but with this growing cast and characters the sky is literally the limits.  What the CW started with Smallville can now potentially trigger a cascade of hero shows.  TNT has acquired the Teen Titans and will be starting to film very shortly.  So what does this mean for those of us who have read and followed these heroes for years?  It means our quality of television is improving.  Let's face it.  I'll enjoy watching The Teen Titans more than I ever would watching Charm, 300, or The Vampire Diaries..  

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Continuing Protests...Really??

I know its been a few days since I've posted but I've been trying to find something new to talk about.  In fact I already have a topic.  Its these continuing protests against the "supposed" police strong-arm tactics against young black men I have a few more things to say.  Protesting against a blatant act of abuse of power or authority is one thing.  Protesting against police officers doing their damn jobs is another.  I see a lot of people massing in the streets protesting against cases of police officers and most importantly "white" police officers shooting and killing "black" offenders.  If the criminals weren't driving stolen vehicles or committing illegal acts then the cops wouldn't need to come after them.  That's just basic common sense.  Now, if you happen to be driving a stolen vehicle and you are not aware that it is stolen then what reason do you have to resist being questioned and detained.  If a cop told you that you were in a stolen vehicle then you need to be an adult and act right.  Don't try to be funny that's how these idiots end up getting shot.  For all of you so-called witnesses who claim, "They were surrendering! Why did he have to shoot him??"  Shut the hell up.  You all claim a code of silence when the cops come to your neighborhood looking for help in trying to find killers.  So why are you all running out to try and tell everything you saw now?  Why don't you do us all a favor and stay in your hell-holes of a neighborhood.  You chose to do and say nothing when it was black-on-black crimes being committed.  Now you all want to rise up and act like it isn't right when the one pulling the trigger is a lighter shade.  You hypocrites need to fucking take responsibilities for yourselves first before you try to hang a man who was just doing his job.  That's what cops are here for.  To Serve and Protect.  If you want the cops to stop killing young black men then start raising them right.  Start teaching them why it's wrong to steal a car.  Why it's wrong to sell drugs.  Why it's wrong to be a criminal.  We like to glorify the bad guys in movies and television shows because they live the lives that we would like to have but you have to remember that there is always a steep a price for that fast track to the top.  You shouldn't be surprised when our young black men are acting like thugs with no fear of the repercussions.  You shouldn't be surprised when your silence helps propagate the atmosphere of "blind witnesses".  In the bible Jesus says you should turn the other cheek, he didn't say turn a blind eye to evil deeds and actions of our brothers, sons, daughters, and sisters.  So protest our in-actions against justice first.  Protest the fact that we have neglected to do the right thing in the first place.  So...when all of the cops have decided that they are not going to stop anymore criminals who will take their place?  Who will want to when all we will do is tear them down for doing what we don't want to do?

So in closing to the idiots marching in the streets and sitting in traffic I say this..."Get the hell out of the road!"  If my wife was pregnant and at the hospital and I couldn't get there in time to see the birth of my child because of you idiots I would be on the eleven o'clock news because I would have run all of you jackasses off the roads.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Suicide Squad

So if you don't know by now DC comics is looking at making a movie out of the Suicide Squad.   The Suicide Squad?? Who, exactly is that you ask?  Well, the members vary but in the adaptation that DC wants to film we will have an all-star cast of today's actors and actresses playing the villainous members of the Suicide Squad who will be sent on an impossible mission to win their freedom.  The only problem is that the mission is tasked to be so dangerous that they are not expected to live.  Jared Leto has been cast as the Joker with Margo Robbie cast as his irascible side-kick diletante Harley Quinn.  Jai Courtney will be playing Booomerang and Cara Delevingne will be playing a character called the Enchantress.  Will Smith will play the peer-less Deadshot who never misses a target and Tom Hardy who played the deadly Bane in The Dark Knight Rises will be playing the Rick Flag the military handler who must pull this rag-tag band of killers and scoundrels together to accomplish their mission.  The concept is the same that was used in the The Dirty Dozen and Mission Impossible.
Here's why I'm intrigued about the Suicide Squad.  The cast is superb and well-rounded and bringing the characters to life will be exciting to watch.  The first time I found out who the Suicide Squad was during an episode of the Cartoon Network's Justice League episode titled "Task Force X".  It was a smooth noir-stylish episode that showed a group of villains who had been captured and tasked by the Colonel Rick Flagg into pulling off a mission on board the Justice League Satellite HQ and in true Suicide Squad tradition before they could get away they were forced to sacrifice a member of their crew.  A woman named Plastique who was the demolitions expert for the team.  If the movie proves to be just as cool and exciting as the episode and maybe better then I have high hopes for this movie to succeed.  But first we have to get through Superman vs Batman.  

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Jurassic World

I'm a little excited about Jurassic World since I saw the official trailer earlier this week.  A dinosaur theme park on an island somewhere in the Caribbean.   Let me ask you who thought this was a good idea???  

Did the first two movies not convince people that you should no fuck with dinosaurs?  You send your kid on vacation to a theme park full of dinosaurs and you don't think this is a bad idea?? 

So predicably what happens?  The dinosaurs get loose and among them is a dinosaur that is genetically engineered to be different???  This is a recipe for disaster that I've never seen!  Pffbbttt!!!!

The premise is great but the fact that people would actually let their children go off alone on these excursions is ridiculous.  Your basically serving your kids up as an appe-teaser to the dinosaurs that they love so well.  So if you have some demon spawn tha you wish to get rid of then I recommend sending them to the island.  

But I love the Jurassic Park franchise and I'll definitely go see it 2 times.  Not for the dinosaurs but for Starlord (Chris Pratt) who is a scientist who apparently tries to contain the terror and damage that will occur in the movie. So yes Jurassic World is another must see on my list for 2015.

Star Wars The Force Awakens

If you haven't seen the official Star Wars teaser trailer for the new movie I suggest that you do.  It looks inspiring.  Of course all of the Star Wars trailers do.  What can go wrong when you show some shiny new stormtroopers, a couple of improved X-wing fighters, a lone hooded Sith with a red lightsaber and the upgraded Millennium Falcon?  All I can say is I'm incredibly excited.  J.J. Abrams seems to be heading in the direction of re-vitalizing my favorite sci-fi franchise of all time.  He already gave a new lease on life to the Star Trek franchise by re-making their universe in a new light and did it with a light touch at first but a touch that made sense.  How you feel about the 2nd movie, Star Trek Into Darkness...emotions run high on both sides there.  I loved the new Khan but a new universe deserves new stories told.
Now, I don't know about the rest of you but I breathe and dream Star Wars.  Its in my blood so much that I've written fan-fiction that I'm hoping to parlay into a couple of books later on down the line now that Disney has made the decision to make everything written in the Expanded Universe as non-canon.  So my fingers are crossed and hoping that I can sell my ideas and fulfill a life-long dream of writing about the Jedi and their eternal battle against the Sith.  In the mean time I'm counting down the days until next year when Star Wars The Force Awakens opens I will be praying for J. J. Abrams health and safety every night.  Now when it comes to Star Wars fans there are generally two types of fans.  Movies fans and Expanded Universe fans.  Movie fans are only aware of the events from all six movies.  Expanded Universe fans are those fans who loved Star Wars so much we took it to a new level and read all of the books that told all of the continuing adventures of our favorite Smuggler, Wookie, Princess, Jedi, Gambler, and two droids.  Not to mention the children that are born from these heroes and blaze their own trail of light across the galaxy.  A lot of fans were upset when Disney stated that the Expanded Universe was non-canon and then called it Legends.
This may have upset many Star Wars fans including yours truly but it was a clever marketing ploy that allowed Disney to create a new fresh vision of the Star Wars universe without having to be restrained by the material that has been put out there.  Hey I was mad for 2 months and I may still want to curb-stomp a few Disney officials who made that call but I can forgive them because they have J.J. Abrams at the helm.  This the man who brought us Cloverfield, Super 8, Star Trek, Star Trek Into Darkness, and Mission Impossible III, Lost, Alias, Almost Human, Person of Interest, & Fringe.  His creative team is all over the map writing for so many shows its amazing that he hasn't taken over hollywood yet, but ladies and gentlemen believe me when I tell you that we are looking at the next Steven Spielberg.  Its amazing how far the evolution of film-making has come and I can tell you that whenever his name is mentioned I know that its going to be an exciting time at the movies.  Thank the Maker that J.J. Abrams is strong with the Force.

Good Times at Arcade Jax

It's important to note that no matter what life throws at you nothing can cure you better than having a good time with true friends and family.  We spend most of our days at menial jobs where people judge us for either our performances or opinions or ethics.  People who are your friends don't judge you they're the only ones in life who truly accept you for who you are.  It's a fundamental acceptance that I've just realized while sitting a Waffle House singing Hooked on a Feeling with two of my best friends at the bar.  If I wasn't inebriated I would probably be ashamed at the looks the kitchen staff is giving us right now as well as some of the customers.  Oh well cie la vie.  Nothing beats drinking shots with your best friend at a club and then kicking his his ass at a round of Justice League Injustice and finally capping it off while doing the Soulja Boy on the dance floor.  I may be the proverbial angry black man around my friends but they wouldn't have me any other way.  So what piece of advice do I have to offer as I close this out?  Be who you are and never be afraid or ashamed to show it.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Flash: Runner’s High

Ok, so the CW’s FLASH is an instant hit and everyone loves the show.  All comic book nerds rejoice!  If you haven’t started watching it already then you need to start because next week will be their big 2 night crossover event with Arrow.  Both heroes will end up fighting each other and then will team up to stop some menaces that they can’t take down separately.  You’ve seen the formula a zillion times and it works…but only if you can keep it fresh.  Of course with the Green Arrow being a fresh entity who had gained popularity from Smallville the CW decided to re-cast and start over with a stand-alone show.  This proved to be a popular move because now it’s spawned another spin-off and this one includes the Speed-Force endowed character the Flash.  Now don’t get me wrong the CW has done all they can to try and rehash items that they could by making the Luthor mansion from Smallville to Queen manor.    They even follow a certain story elements from Smallville that seems to be indicative to any hero who takes up the secret life and try to keep their friends safe by not telling them everything and being so freaking obvious that they’re lying about something.  I’m sorry does being a good hero mean that you can’t tell a good damn lie??  Is that a prerequisite because if it is sign me up for the super-villain classes.  Next, the nicknames.  I can’t stand the nicknames that they give these people.  I understand in Smallville, that Clark Kent didn’t have any direction on how he wanted to get to where he arrived.  It was largely based on Tom Welling’s contract that he not wear tights.  So they kept him in a cloak and he used his speed and was called the Blur.  Real original.  Of course they ran for 10 seasons so they took some liberties.  When Ollie started running around in Starling City they started calling him the Hood.  And then he wanted to change that name to be more citizen friendly.  That only took 2 seasons.  Now, here have the Flash and he was running around for five episodes being called the Streak.  It wasn’t until the 6th episode that he was finally dubbed the Flash.  Thank you because every time they mentioned the streak I kept thinking someone cut loose and left a reminder to clinch in their undershorts. Brownie points.  Literally. 

So if I have these peeves why watch the shows?  Because it’s actually fun watching Barry learn about his abilities each week against the “freak of the week”.  I just hope they stop killing them or DC is going to have to come up with a whole new Rogues Gallery for the Flash that’s never-ending.  They’ve killed 3 villains in the last 3 weeks.  Plastique, Cinderblock, and Blackout.  Each character was unique and had potential to be keep being brought back each season.  What is Professor Well’s secret?  Is he Professor Zoom – the Reverse Flash here on some glory mission to see the Flash born to run?  Or is he someone from the future who has a genuine vested interest in seeing Barry learn more about his powers in order to survive some cataclysmic event in the future.  Can someone say Crisis??  And after last night’s episode with a few of the names the Professor dropped about people who had died during the explosion that created the Flash, we can certainly expect to see Elongated Man and Firestorm in the near future.  The potential is all there let’s just see what they can do with it.  

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Anger.  Rage.  Anarchy.  Destruction…Disappointment.  These words sum of what I felt last night as I watched the Riots in Ferguson go from a peaceful protest to a looting in a liquor store and the torching of cars and buildings.  Disappointment would be what I felt the most.  The failure of the officials to protect the town.  Their failure to release the results of the indictment at the late hour.  The failure of the angry to let cooler and calmer heads speak out and take leadership.  What was even more was that I felt all of it was pointless once I saw the O’Reilly’s auto parts store that was being looted.  Did they have a right to be angry?  Yes and no.  Was Officer Wilson acting in self-defense when he shot young Michael Brown?  I don’t know, I wasn’t there to witness the event.  I do know that my parents and teachers all distilled into me that if a Police officer tells you to do something you do it.  The fact that he attacked a cop is being downplayed by the angry.  They sight injustice and racism as motives for the shooting and the decision of the Grand Jury.  So, when did we stop holding Michael Brown responsible for his own actions?  Because he’s dead he’s given a free pass?  Will we give Usama/Osama Bin Laden a free pass because he’s dead now?  He’s no longer responsible for orchestrating 9/11?  It was all the Taliban?  Let’s push all the responsibility of that attack off on them.  Michael, you made a bad decision and it cost you your life.  Unfortunately, your death is just one more in a growing trend of young black Americans being killed by white police officers.  So…let’s just ignore the fact that other cities protested peacefully last night.  Let’s just allow Ferguson to continue being an eye-sore for us Americans in the next coming days because ignorance is going run rampart the longer we allow it to run.    To me this is just another growing trend of our not taking responsibility for ourselves.  You can’t attack a police officer, whether he’s white, black, brown, tanned, yellow, whatever; and expect to get away without suffering the consequences.  Leadership of Ferguson, protect your community and do what needs to be done to protect your law enforcement officials and fire fighters.  As evident from last night, those young angry people were not interested in the community.  They were only interested in lashing out.  To those of you who are parents, I ask that you teach your kids not to hate cops.  Police Officers are supposed to be guardians of the community and our citizens.  They are there to protect us when necessary and needed.  Not only that, but teach them about respect.  To respect themselves, their parents, elders and others.  We have grown to be so involved and politically correct that we no longer feel the need to teach what is right and wrong.  Are there going to be bad apples?  Of course there are.  But we need to knuckle down and teach them as our parents taught us.  Are we smarter than them?  Possibly, so why are our kids worse than what we were growing up?  Smarter does not always mean better.  Responsibility.  Own up to your choices and decisions.  

Monday, November 24, 2014

Ferguson Riot

Land of the Angry and Ignorant

This evening the Grand Jury found Officer Darren Wilson not guilty in his shooting of Michael Brown.  This judgment obviously did not sit well with some of the citizens of Ferguson.  As President Obama called for peaceful protests in Ferguson the protestors took things to another level as they started rocking a police car.  Not long after that smoke gas canisters were fired off pushing the protestors back as the cops try to keep the peace.  As I sit here watching the scene dissolve on Fox News the reporter is giving his report and the banner of Season’s Greetings can be seen stretched across the street.    Amidst the turmoil of this incident all thoughts of Thanksgiving is abolished from my mind.  A man was judged on his actions involving him shooting another individual in self-defense.  Normally, I wouldn’t give too much thought this type of event but Ferguson has made it a national event.
It’s bad enough that this situation is racially driven but it’s even more disheartening as I flip from Fox News and my local News channels for coverage and hear the different views that are discussed.  They talk about how the White House and the President are allowing certain things to occur.  All I can think about is how the hell did these assholes get these jobs.  The Grand Jury made a decision based off the facts and evidence presented to them.  Their decision was made and we need to stand by it.  Now, was there a disparity in judgment due to the fact that only 3 people on the Jury were African American?  Or was there without a shadow of a doubt that this man fired his weapon in self-defense from a known criminal? 

I’m not saying I know the whole story but all I know is that the people of Ferguson are making me feel bewildered.  These people are burning their own homes and stores in anger of a decision.  People, you must remember the lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King.  Let your voices be heard but there is no need for violence in your community.  Unfortunately, when anger has built to the crescendo all it takes is the slightest push to send a person over the edge.  This community is sliding over the edge and the ground they are on is steadily getting steeper.  I will pray for the people of Ferguson and hope that they settle down and go home in peace but I know that rationality is not ruling these people.  They are angry and lashing out.  Vandalizing stores, burning police cars, people running in packs...this is only the beginning.  

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Holiday Hell

The holidays have arrived.  Now the mad rush is on for everyone to find the perfect turkey and save up money for all of the gifts that will be bought in preparation for Christmas.  So how will you prepare for what’s about to happen?  Me?  I’m going to do the best I can to drown myself in alcohol just to protect myself from all of the “cheeriness” that people like to bring out.  I personally can’t stand all of the fraudulent attitudes.  If you can be cheery and happy and sort of a decent person for 1 month out of the year why can’t you do that the rest of the year?  Sorry for sounding so down but you have to understand that I work in an industry where the upper-class feels entitled because they have money so when something goes wrong and not to their favor they like bitch and mope about, “I spent all this money on this concrete table and I paid to have it delivered before Thanksgiving and I want it NOW!”  Guess what?  It just fell off of a bridge so I hope all of your guests have comfortable bean bags to relax in for the long wait. 

Sorry I had to get that off my chest before things snowball even further later this season.  Anyways, I’m Master Juishin and welcome to The Nuclear Nerd Reaction!  My intention is start blogging my thoughts on shows, movies, books, comics, fights, politics…whatever I feel like sharing about.  So sit back and let me scratch my itch and vent and inform and if you feel like sharing and pontificating then do your share.  I welcome all views and opinions and hope we can have some interesting discussions.  
Testing testing....1...2...1...2