Thursday, January 1, 2015

Marco Polo

If you haven't watched Marco Polo on Netflix then you are missing out.  Here are a few words that can be used to sum up the show.  The House of Five Pleasures.  Hundred Eyes.  Blue Princess.  Praying Mantis.  And last but not least...KHAN!!!!  Kublai Khan not Khan Noonien Singh.  This is the story of young Marco Polo who found himself indentured to the Khan of the Mongols just so his father could open up trade with the Mongol King.  This is also a story of a young man discovering his path and finding that blood is thicker than water but in Mongolia it’s not your blood that matters.  There's sex, political intrigue, assassins, and a blind martial arts master.  If you thought the royal court at Kings Landing from Game of Thrones was cut throat you have yet to discover that honor has more than one meaning in the land east of the Mongolian desert.  Just watch the first ten minutes of the first episode and you'll be hooked.

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